Prof André Drenth

Professor André Drenth is currently treasurer of the Australasian Plant Pathology Society, Chair of the Awards Committee and treasurer for the International Congress of Plant Pathology 2028. André has a MSc in Plant Breeding and a PhD in Phytopathology, both from Wageningen University. He is currently Program Leader Crop Protection at the University of Queensland and a Fellow of APPS.

André has worked for over 30 years on diseases of a wide range of tropical and subtropical crops such as banana, macadamia, cocoa, citrus, durian, avocado, pineapple among others and as part of this endeavour has visited and worked in more than 45 different countries. He has also worked on wide range of pathogens and typically takes a whole of crop health approach. His research spans the breadth of plant pathology from addressing fundamental questions to developing and delivering practical outcomes for growers.

André has written many papers and reviews on tropical plant diseases and edited several books with the latest one a three part series on the cultivation, genetic improvement, and pests and diseases of banana. André enjoys many outdoor pursuits and has travelled widely in outback Australia.